January 25 & 26, 2017. Download your enrollment form now. (see below)
The Casbah
Oriental Rug Cleaning Co.
3907 Ross Ave.
Dallas, TX 75204
{tab=What Will You Learn?}
Road Map to Identification: a comprehensive rug ID cheat sheet on one page!
Rugs commonly encountered in a rug cleaning plant–both old and new production.
Technical Analysis: an analysis of the materials, construction, dyes and design of hand-knotted rugs.
Rug Construction: recognizing and becoming familiar with the different types of construction is essential to rug identification.
{tab=What Does It Cost?}
$995 per person includes tuition and lunch both days. If you would like to send more than one person from your company, each additional person will be $795 (includes lunches).
To register, download the application, scan and email to us at info@masterrugcleaner.net
{xtypo_button3}Download Application{/xtypo_button3}
This class was previously held on January 2017