{AF}Welcome {mgetsysuname},
Master Rug Cleaner is dedicated to providing the quality education and support materials for rug cleaning professionals who are committed to the highest standards in cleaning and restoring oriental and speciality rugs.
On this page, you have access to member-only material including the exclusive items below. We will keep you up to date with techniques, chemicals and equipment we believe will benefit Master Rug Cleaners.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to contact us at any time.
Ellen & Aaron{/AF}
This 3-inch patch is sewn onto your work shirt or jacket to show that you are a Certified rug cleaner. High-quality embroidered patch. $5.00 each plus shipping & handling. {source}
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4-inch decal, certified Master Rug Cleaner.
High-quality self-adhesive 4″ decal. $5.00 each plus shipping & handling. {source}
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10-inch decal, certified Master Rug Cleaner.
High-quality self-adhesive 10″ decal. $10.00 each plus shipping & handling. {source}
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Ever have a customer who doesn’t quite understand what is going on with their rug? We have come up with a set of explanatory fliers complete with pictures that you can print and give to your customer to help them comprehend what you are trying to tell them. Read more »
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Available for use by any certified Master Rug Cleaner. Please link back to us. Right click to download.